eGrants Management System Home


FY 2025 - Consolidated - Title I-A and Title II-A (20679, 20858); Title III EL (20868)

Applications for your Consolidated Grant programs are now available in the e Grants Management System (eGMS). The priority deadline for all applications is October 15, 2024.

CSDE - Title I-A and Title II-A (20679, 20858) Grant Contact Information

·        James Dargati, State Title II Director (860) 713-6562

·        Jennifer Murrihy, State Title I Director (860) 713-6503

CSDE- Consolidated - Title III EL (20868) Grant Contact Information

·        Megan Alubicki Flick, State Title III Director (860) 713-6786


To foster relationships and ensure consistent communication, each LEA is assigned to a CSDE grant contact to support their application process. Your assigned Grant Contact will review and approve your applications. Please make note of your grant contact in e GMS. You can also view the Excel spreadsheet linked under CSDE resources here. While assigned grant contact this is the first point of contact for information related to your application, our team works closely together, and both of us are also available for program-specific questions.

If you are new to the Consolidated grant, or would like a review of the application process, please join Jim Dargati and Jen Murrihy for Application Office Hours on September 25, 2024 via TEAMs at 10 AM. Registration is required, limited to the first 45 registrants. Register here 

The 2025 Title IV Part A applications are now available (8/23/2024)

New this year:

o   Kate Bohannan is the new State Coordinator for Title IV Part A and can be reached at or by phone at (860) 807-2123.

o   In order to better facilitate collaboration with non-public schools, the “Private School Participation Form” has been updated to a fillable PDF

o   A link to the T4PA Center will be added to the CSDE Resources tab under Title IV Part A. The T4PA Center provides access to a wealth of information related to Title IV Part A including a searchable resource library, free webinars, and spotlights on Title IV Part A funded initiatives from around the country.

Helpful information

o   The priority deadline for 2025 Title IV Part A applications is Friday, November 1, 2024. Applications received by this date will be reviewed before the Thanksgiving break and will either receive “CSDE Grant Contact Approved” or will be returned for edits if needed.

o   Fund requests do not require documentation; however, uploading documentation will expedite the fund request approval process. Examples of documentation include a copy of an accounting system report, a receipt, invoice or payroll register. 


Connecticut State Department of Education

Office of Internal Audit


Audit Requirements –2023-2024 Audits of Federal Awards and State Financial Assistance

The 2024 Audit Instructions are now available at 

These instructions are for the audits required pursuant to Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F ­ Audit Requirements) and the Connecticut State Single Audit ActGrantees must provide a copy of these instructions to their auditor.


Please Note: Entities that received funding from the CSDE and/or OEC must submit the following:

·        A Federal Single Audit if expenditures of federal awards meet or exceed $750,000.

·        A State Single Audit if expenditures of state financial assistance meet or exceed $300,000.

·        A Notification of Exemption for either the Federal Single Audit and/or State Single Audit if expenditures are below the applicable thresholds.  All Exemption forms must be emailed to

o   Federal Single Audit Exemption Form

o   State Single Audit Exemption Form


Instructions and Training Links (also check out CSDE Resources/eGMS training)

NEW - ARPA Reimbursement Guidance as of March 2024

----ARPA - Receipts and Proofs of Payment

----ARPA Reimbursement of Expense Summary

Fund Requests

------Fund Request and Funding Assurance Training Video 

Fund Request Reference Manual 

- Process Submitting the  Annual Fund Request Assurance

----Creating Fund Requests- instruction document

How to be added to the system and edit user information

 ---User Access/Login/Adding phone numbers, editing name and emails

 ---Modifying user email, name or phone

----User Access Administrator Manual (for users with User Access Administrator role)

How to use the eGMS system

----Navigation in eGMS-

----Printing in eGMS

---Instructions for Public Access to eGMS

--- Uploading Related Documents

How to create and work with Budgets

----Creating and Editing Budgets

----Finding  Budget Details

----Budget Downloads and Uploads

How to complete Expenditure Reports

Expenditure Report training

Other Training

---Perkins Pages